El artista como alertador de incendios


  • Marisol Salanova Burguera
Keywords: contemporary art, totalitarianism, postcolonialism, politics, sexuality, homophobia, gender studies, Arab Spring, performance, tolerance


There has been a paradigm shift in terms of the artist as creator, and now almost a political activist. Based on the most atrocious events that marked the twentieth century, the growing proliferation of current and homophobic fascist groups in Europe today, the revolutions of the Arab Spring and the confict between Eastern and Western feminisms, Islamic patriarchal cultures and the ontological distance with women who defend their right to wear a veil, this article explores the importance of art as a political tool against an imminent change in a totalitarian threat almost forgotten.


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How to Cite
Salanova Burguera, M. (2014). El artista como alertador de incendios. Imafronte, (23), 165–186. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/imafronte/article/view/201351