De Palomino a Ceán Bermúdez: la biografía de artistas durante el siglo XVIII


  • David García López
Keywords: Artistic biography, Eighteenth Century Art, Artists’ Portraits, Antonio Palomino, Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez


The article studies artists’ biographies gender in Eighteenth Century Spain. From Antonio Palomino’s El Parnaso Español to Ceán Bermúdez’s Diccionario histórico a new kind of criticism emerged, which was to have play a large role in the coming years: artists’ biographies in Vasari tradition were no longer deemed the best method for presenting information about the art of the past. Their research had to have a more solid basis; thus, the new writers on Fine Arts frequently visited archives to compare their results with documentary sources.


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How to Cite
García López, D. (2014). De Palomino a Ceán Bermúdez: la biografía de artistas durante el siglo XVIII. Imafronte, (23), 103–135. Retrieved from