Los teatros barrocos de murcia: ejemplos interdisciplinares entre la arquitectura y la representación de comedias


  • Rafael Ángel Sánchez Martínez
Keywords: theatre, architecture, XVIII century, comedies, Murcia


The theatres of the Golden Age were buildings which were continuously refurbishing and changing their appearance. In architecture, one of the reasons of these changes was the necessities that the theatre performances and the audience had. During this century, there was an interdisciplinary relationship between the architecture (and other similar arts) and the dramatic arts- two disciplines that had in common the performance of the baroque comedies. Both closed spaces (“corrales de comedias”), open spaces (suchas coliseums and gardens) and private spaces (social rooms and palaces), suffered changings or reforms due to theatre necessities and reasons related to the presence of and audience. As an example of this, we can mention the business Murcian theatres and others ofthe same period.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Martínez, R. Ángel. (2010). Los teatros barrocos de murcia: ejemplos interdisciplinares entre la arquitectura y la representación de comedias. Imafronte, (21-22), 377–384. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/imafronte/article/view/201061