Solidaridad más allá de la muerte. El retablo de la hermandad de las Ánimas Benditas de Pliego


  • José Pascual Martínez
Keywords: mural painting, emblems, iconograprhy, death, purgatory


Once the period of barbarity and a well extended inappropriate modernizing mentality was over having led to an irredeemable loss of a major pan of the furniture and liturgical furnishings of the churches, a new and more respectful mentality towards the historicand artistic legacy has impulsed the recovery and restoration of many artistic monuments. Two transept altarpieces have been restored in the parish of Pliego, Murcia, with magnifcent results leading to the recovery and revealing of some great works. This article studies the altarpiece of Las Animas, a late 18th century wall painting full of symbols or emblems encouraging the faithful lo sympathize with the souls of the Purgatory.


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How to Cite
Pascual Martínez, J. (2010). Solidaridad más allá de la muerte. El retablo de la hermandad de las Ánimas Benditas de Pliego. Imafronte, (21-22), 289–304. Retrieved from