La música de banda en Murcia. El I Certamen Regional de Bandas de Música. “Ciudad de murcia” (1991) como evento de promoción


  • Alfonso López Ruiz
Keywords: Music Contest, wind bands, music in Murcia


Wind bands are a complex topic in the Spanish culture, spreading the culture and musical training to very different places, preserving a popular musical tradition and being useful as representative institutions of their places of origin. The wind band contests represent an element for the development of the wind band culture, and the organization of the I Certamen Regional de Bandas deMúsica “Ciudad de Murcia” was a putting in value of wind bands in this city.


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How to Cite
López Ruiz, A. (2010). La música de banda en Murcia. El I Certamen Regional de Bandas de Música. “Ciudad de murcia” (1991) como evento de promoción. Imafronte, (21-22), 209–218. Retrieved from