En el umbral del Arte global: metáfora, complejidad y conficto


  • Miguel A. Hernández Navarro
Keywords: Global Art, Complexity, Temporality, Subalternity, Confict, Metaphor, Santiago Sierra, Gonzalo Ballester, Ursula Biemann


Global art is based upon the presence of an insoluble, global confict in space and time, a type of blind spot that shatters all representations within symbolic discourse. Some of these invisible or only partially represented realities existing outside the system, showing that global art, in contrast to discourse on global art, is counter-geographical and counter-chronological. I begin by treating the example of contemporary Spanish art and its lack of presence in the global art world, focusing in the work of Santiago Sierra. After that, I go on show that the new geographies of art (like the new temporalities) are incapable of representation, at least not within the systems of representation originating in visual thought. Nevertheless, certain contemporary artistic practices utilize this inabilityto represent complexity as their starting point; the work of Gonzalo Ballester and Ursula Biemann serves as example of this. Lastly, Ishall be considering the difficulties faced by the art system in general, and museums as a privileged tool, to incorporate these complex practices.


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How to Cite
Hernández Navarro, M. A. (2010). En el umbral del Arte global: metáfora, complejidad y conficto. Imafronte, (21-22), 165–179. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/imafronte/article/view/200911