El arte olvidado. Algunos aspectos sobre los tronos de Semana Santa de Lorca


  • Cristina Gómez López
Keywords: Holly Week, thrones, portable platform, embroidery, Lorca


This article studies the thrones in the Holly Week as objects of art because they are not normally considered as art. The thrones of the Holly Week are structures made of diverse materials, sizes and forms and they were designed by important religious sculptors as Bussy or Alonso Cano. Therefore with this article I ́d like to encourage the study of the thrones in the Holly Week. For this reason I ́m going to study the thrones of the Holly Week of Lorca (Murcia).


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How to Cite
Gómez López, C. (2010). El arte olvidado. Algunos aspectos sobre los tronos de Semana Santa de Lorca. Imafronte, (21-22), 155–163. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/imafronte/article/view/200901