<em>Are you with me?</em> A Metadiscursive Analysis of Interactive Strategies in College Students' Course Presentations


  • Ágnes Magnuczné Godó Miskolc University
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ijes.12.1.118281
Keywords: metadiscourse, engagements markers, interactional elements, dialogic elements, monologic elements


In recent years increasing research attention has been devoted to the definition and development of presentation skills. As an interactive oral discourse type, the presentation is characterised by specific speech acts, of which cooperative acts have proved to be of a highly developmental nature (Sazdovska, 2009). The aim of the present paper is to report on a study which investigated the metadiscursive realisations of interactional acts in English major novice presenters’ speeches as well as their correlation with raters’ holistic perceptions of presentation quality.


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Author Biography

Ágnes Magnuczné Godó, Miskolc University

PhD, is a lecturer at the Department of English Language and Literature, University of Miskolc, Hungary. Her areas of research interest include contrastive rhetoric and discourse analysis as well as the development of academic writing and presentation skills.

How to Cite
Magnuczné Godó, Ágnes. (2012). <em>Are you with me?</em> A Metadiscursive Analysis of Interactive Strategies in College Students’ Course Presentations. International Journal of English Studies, 12(1), 55–78. https://doi.org/10.6018/ijes.12.1.118281