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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submission of an article requires the assurance that it is an original work which has not been published previously and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. If the manuscript submitted is published, in press, or currently being reviewed or considered for publication elsewhere, you should withdraw it from consideration by IJES. If the submitted study is part of a larger study or if you have used the same data in whole or in part in other papers, both already published or under review, you should submit a cover letter stating where the paper is published/under review and describing clearly and in as much detail as possible where the similarities and differences are and how the current submission to IJES makes a different and distinct contribution to the field.

  • All authors take responsibility for sending their work.
  • The sent file should comply with the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Peer Review, if the sent file is addressed to a peer review section.
  • The file format should be sent in Microsoft Word.

  • The text should be single-spaced, with a font size of 12 points, italics should be used rather than underlining (except for URLs, which must also be active). All illustrations, figures and tables should be located within the text where they are to appear and not at the end of the document.
  • The text should adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements specified in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • URLs must be provided for references, where they are appropriate.
  • Authors assume full responsibility for all bibliographical references.
  • When necessary, authors should accept all liability for ethical issues arising from their work.
  • It is understood that any opinions expressed in published articles do not necessarily coincide with those of the General Editor, who will not accept liability for the contents included in the articles.

Author Guidelines


I.1. Article Length

Articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length including all sections (abstract, keywords, tables, illustrations, acknowledgements, notes and references as well as text). Please indicate a word count below the title of your manuscript.

I.2. Language

I.2.1. Articles must be written in English. The authors themselves are responsible for delivering their paper in good English. Authors for whom English is not their mother tongue are strongly encouraged to have their manuscripts proofread by an editor familiar with English academic prose.

I.2.2. IJES is committed to gender balance, as can be seen in the composition of its editorial team, board of advisors and board of referees. 

- Inclusive Language Policy: Authors are required to use inclusive language that avoids any biases or expressions that discriminate against groups of people based on race, gender or socioeconomic status. They are expected to avoid using language that demeans any sex.

- Gender and Sex in Research: Research studies should avoid stereotypes and gender biases that adopt the male gender as a universal reference or naturalize socially constructed discriminatory differences. At the same time, the manuscript must state whether the original data take sex or gender into account in such a way that possible differences among genders can be identified.

I.2.3. Spelling, capitalization and punctuation should be consistent within each article. Both American and British English spelling conventions are acceptable.

I.2.4. During the refereeing process authors should refer to their previous publications in the third person- not “as I stated in ...” but “as X noted ...”.

I.2.5. Short and/or telegraph-style sections and/or paragraphs should be avoided.

I.3. Article Format and Order of Required Elements

I.3.1. Articles should be justified on both sides. Leave a 2.54 cm margin on all sides. Pages should be consecutively numbered (bottom centre). For the main body of the text a 1.3 space should be used. The abstracts and keywords should be typed in 10 points. The acknowledgement, notes, tables and references should be types in 11 points. Long examples should be indented (1 cm) and typed in 11 points. Indent the first line of each paragraph (1 cm) except for the first line of text in each section and subsection.

I.3.2. Each article should be supplied with an abstract (no more than 150 words in length). Below this abstract there should be a list of a maximum of 10 keywords or phrases.

I.3.3. Elements of the article should be arranged as follows: title (written in bold type, capitalized and centred), abstract and keywords, text, acknowledgements, end-notes, references, and appendices if any.

I.3.4. Main text

Please, use the font Times New Roman (size 12).

I.3.4.a. Headings and subheadings

Up to four levels of headings are permissible. Please follow this style:


Level 2:1.1. Arabic  number + Arabic number, bold.

Level 3: 1.1.1. Arabic number+ Arabic numbers, bold and italics.

Level 4: 1.1.1.a. Arabic number+ Arabic numbers + letter, italics.

Two 12-size double spaces should be left between different sections and one 12-size double space between subsections. The text of each section or subsection until the second level should be separated by a blank 8-size space from its corresponding heading; texts belonging to levels three and four should not be spaced from their headings.

I.3.4.b. Bibliographical citations in the text

Bibliographical citations in the text must include the author’s last name, year of publication and page references if applicable. Examples of correct styling for bibliographical citations are:

- Boughey (1997) / (Boughey, 1997) / Boughey (1998: 130) / (Boughey, 1998: 130).

- Connor and Kaplan (1987) / (Connor & Kaplan, 1987). Notice that when a reference is enclosed completely within parentheses the ampersand (&) is to be used instead of the word and. However, and is to be used outside the parentheses.

- If more than one, citations should be listed in alphabetical order. Example: (Carson & Nelson, 1996; Cohen & Cavalcanti, 1990; Ferris, 1995; Hyland, 1990).

I.3.4.c. Quotations

Quotations exceeding 100 words must be single-spaced and separated by a two-space gap from the main body of the text, indented from the left-hand margin (2 cms) and typed in size 11. If not indicated in the main text, after the quotation indicate the author’s last name, date of publication and page numbers in brackets. When shorter, double quotation marks (“...”) must be used and be inserted in the main text. Special care must be taken to reproduce the originals exactly; any deliberate alterations must be indicated.

I.3.4.d. Punctuation marks

All punctuation marks (commas, semicolons, full stops) must precede any other text marks such as quotation marks (inverted commas) or (foot/end-)note numbering. For instance: “example,” example;” “example.”

If dashes are used instead of round brackets (in parentheses), they should appear immediately next to the beginning/ending word (with no space in-between), except at the end of a sentence preceding a full stop: this is just an example to –try to– illustrate this instruction. And: this is just another example to illustrate this instruction –or at least to try to.

I.3.5. Notes

They should follow the body of the text and be numbered consecutively throughout the text giving clear superscript numbers in the appropriate places. They should be typed in size 11. Notes should be avoided whenever this is reasonably possible. Please do not use the Word option for “notes at the end of the document”; instead, insert each note manually, both in the body of the text and in the Notes section.

I.3.6. List of references

This section should include the complete bibliographic information (et al. must be avoided) of all the works cited and quoted in the text. Please follow the model given below paying special attention to punctuation, capitalization, spacing and indentation:

References should conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide, 6th edition (http://apastyle.apa.org/). Authors should verify that the list of references at the end of their work coincides exactly with the works mentioned in the main text. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references and citations.

References are to be presented in size 11, with a hanging indent (1 cm) and should be alphabetically arranged according to author’s surname followed by the first letter of the author’s/authors’ first name. If several works by the same author are included in the text, his/her full surname and initial letter of his/her first name should always be indicated. 

Examples of works referenced following the APA style guide are listed below:

a) Journal Article

[Please note that the number of the issue appears in italics]

Cutillas, J. A. & Hernández Campoy, J. M. (2006). Nonresponsive performance in radio broadcasting. A case study. Language Variation and Change, 13, 317330.

Hernández Campoy, J. M. (2008). Overt and covert prestige in Late Middle English: A case study in East Anglia. Folia Linguistica, 9, 126.

b) Book

Criado, R. (2010). Activity Sequencing in Foreign Language Teaching Textbooks. A Cognitive and Communicative Processes-Based Perspective. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Walton, D. (2008). Introducing Cultural Studies: Learning through Practice. Los Angeles: SAGE.

c) Edited book

Cantos-Gómez, P. & Sánchez, A. (Eds.). (2009). A Survey of Corpus-based Research / Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus. Murcia: Asociación Española de Lingüística de Corpus.

Manchón-Ruiz, R. M. (Ed.). (2009). Writing in Foreign Language Contexts. Learning, Teaching and Research. Buffalo: Multilingual Matters.

Pérez-Guerra, J., González-Álvarez, D., Bueno-Alonso, J. L., & Rama-Martínez, E. (Eds.). (2007). Of Varying Language and Opposing Creed: New Insights into Late Modern English. Bern: Peter Lang.

d) Book chapter

Monroy, R. (2010). The teachability-intelligibility issue: vowel length in GlobEnglish. In C. Gagliardi, C. & A. Maley (Eds.), EIL, ELF, Global English: Teaching and Learning Issues. Linguistic Insights (Vol. 96) (pp. 115127). Frankfurt and Main: Verlag Peter Lang.

Pujante, A. L. (2008). The Spanish Shakespeare Canon Up to 1916. In M. Procházka & J. Čermák (Eds.), Shakespeare between the Middle Ages and Modernism: From Translator’s Art to Academic Discourse (pp. 142152). Prague: Charles University. Prague.

e) Edition other than the first

Sinclair, J. M. (1999). Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

f) Multivolume work

Hinkel, E. (Ed.). (2011). Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Volume 2. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.

g) Abstract

Ullman, M. T., Estabrooke, I. V., Steinhauer, K., Brovetto, C., Pancheva, R. Ozawa, K., et al. (2002). Sex differences in the neurocognition of language. [Abstract]. Brain and Language, 83, 141143.

h) Doctoral Dissertation

Walton, D. (1997). Mail bondage. Sentencing Wilde between the sheets: An epistemology of the epistolary (an architectonic rhapsody). Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Murcia, Spain.

i) Proceedings

Sánchez, A., Cantos, P. & Almela, M. (2007). Lexical Constellations and the Structure of Meaning: A Prototype Application to WSD. In A. Gelbukh (Ed.), Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. 8th International Conference, CICLing 2007, Mexico City (pp. 275287).Berlin: Springer Verlag.

j) Book Review

Conde Silvestre, J. C. (2008). Review of Jeremy Smith (2007). Sound change and the history of English. Oxford University Press. SELIM, 15, 151-156.

k) Conference paper

Gregor, K. (2000). The torch and the marriage bed, or getting a grip on Cuchulain: The politics of Yeats’s On Baile's Strand. Paper presented at ESSE 5. University of Helsinki, Finland, August, 2529.

Lee, N., & Schumann, J. H. (2005). The interactional instinct: The evolution and acquisition of language. Paper presented at the Congress of the International Association for Applied Linguistics. Madison, Wisconsin, August, 2429.

l) Translation

Littlewood, A. (1996). La enseñanza comunicativa de idiomas. (F. García-Clemente, Trans.) Madrid: Cambridge University Press (Original work published 1981).

m) Electronic document

Article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assigned

Mollin, S. (2009). Combining corpus linguistics and psychological data on word co-occurrences: Corpus collocates versus word associations. Corpus Linguistics & Linguistic Theory, 5(2), 175200. doi: 10.1515/CLLT.2009.008


Renouf, A., Kehoe, A., & Banerjee, J. (2005). The WebCorp Search Engine: a holistic approach to web text search. Proceedings from Corpus Linguistics 2005 Conference. Retrieved 5 December, 2010 from http://www.corpus.bham.ac.uk/pclc/#corpora

Magazines and newspapers

Daniels, L. (2012, August 15). Umbrella by Will Self: review for Man Booker shortlist 2012. The Telegraph. Retrieved 2 May, 2016 from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/ bookreviews/9464808/Umbrella-by-Will-Self-review-for-Man-Booker-shortlist-2012.html.

n) Poem

Pound, E. (1996). CXVI. In The Cantos of Ezra Pound (p. 815). New York, NY: New Directions Publishing.

o) Reprint

Koestler, A. (1955/1946). The Future of the Novel. In A. Koestler, The Trail of the Dinosaur and Other Essays (pp. 95-101). New York: Macmillan. (Reprinted from J. Lehmann (Ed.), New Writing and Daylight (pp. 82-85). London: John Lehman).


I.3.7. Appendices

Include the appendices starting on a separate page following the list of references. Each appendix should be typed in size 11 and labelled with numbers or letters and titled. If only one appendix is used, no identifying letter or number is required.

I.3.8. Tables, figures and graphs

Tables and figures should preferably be included in the main text. Should this not be possible, high-quality originals should be submitted in separate files and their position in the main text clearly specified, as in “Insert Table 1 here”. In empirical studies the following information should be presented: (i) graphs and charts that explain the results; and (ii) complete source tables for statistical tests, when appropriate.


II.1. IJES will occasionally publish monographs on any issue related to English Studies on the request of any researcher(s), who will be considered “invited Editor(s)” of such an issue.

II.2. The monograph proposal should be sent to ijes@um.es and it should include the following points in no more than 3,000 words: Name and affiliation of editor(s), tentative title of monograph, summarised guest editor(s)' CV, rationale and report on the monograph, tentative calendar for the whole management of the monograph (from submission of the proposal to its publication) and call for papers.

II.3. The Editorial Board of IJES will carefully review the proposal. If necessary, the Editorial Board will ask for advice to members of the Advisory Board.

II.4. Once the monograph proposal is accepted, the Editor(s) will be responsible for launching the CFP in all the appropriate publich channels and mailing lists.


III.1. IJES will only consider for publication reviews about books published within three years of the date of the submission.

III.2. IJES can publish reviews on individual books and comparative books reviews which cover between two and four books on the same topic.

III.3. Apart from unrequested book review submissions, IJES also welcomes applications for book reviews from the book authors themselves, from institutions or from any other researcher interested in a particular work.

III.4. Books reviews should offer an objective critical assessment of the book(s) in terms of their contribution to the field of specialization targeted at.

III.5. Book reviews should be submitted in the same way as articles (see section I above).

III.6. Book reviews should follow the format and stylesheet guidelines indicated above in points II.3.4 and II.3.6. The word limit is between 1,500 and 2,000 words for individual reviews and between 3,000 and 4,000 words for comparative book reviews.  



The International Journal of English Studies (IJES) is a blind, peer-reviewed journal which seeks to reflect developments in the general field of English Studies: Theoretical and Applied English Linguistics, Literature in English and Cultural studies of the English-speaking countries.

IJES is published twice a year. IJES publishes regular open issues in both June and December. Monographs are also considered for publication as special issues. 

All articles in open issues and special issues (monographs), monograph proposals and book reviews undergo a strict two-step blind peer-review process undertaken by experts in the corresponding areas of each contribution.

Internal Review. The editors first review each manuscript to see if it meets the basic requirements specified in the general and stylesheet guidelines described below, and that it is of sufficient quality to merit external review. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are not sent out for further review. The internal review generally takes 3-4 weeks. Following the internal review, authors are notified of the results.

External Review. Submissions which meet the basic requirements are then sent out for blind peer review by 2 experts in the field. The external review takes approximately 6-8 months. Following the external review, the authors are sent copies of the external reviewers’ comments and are notified as to the decision (accept as is, revisions required, resubmit for review, decline).

There are no submission deadlines for articles in the regular issues, monograph proposals or book review proposals.


1. Article proposals must be submitted in a Microsoft Word file (from 97-2003 versions onwards) through the Open Journal System (OJS) at http://revistas.um.es/ijes/user/register

After logging in as an “author”, you will receive your password and be able to enter the system, select the International Journal of English Studies, then “start a new submission”, and follow the instructions.

2. Proposals will be automatically identified by means of the authors’ registration in the OJS system (specifically the METADATA section, where a short bio, ca. 6 lines long, should also be included). Thus authors are asked not to write their names, affiliation or any other detail in the whole of the text that might reveal their identity in the article. Failure to comply with this requirement means that the paper will be immediately turned to its author(s).

3. Duplicate publications and simultaneous submissions.

Submission of an article requires the assurance that it is an original work which has not been published previously (fully or a substantial part of it) and that it is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.

If the manuscript submitted is published, in press, or currently being reviewed or considered for publication elsewhere, the submission will be turned down immediately. Journal editors in our field regularly share information about current submissions to avoid taking up both Editors’ and reviewers' valuable time on papers which have been submitted elsewhere and/or duplicate similar submissions by the same author(s).

3.1. If the submitted study is part of a larger study or if you have used the same data in whole or in part in other papers, both already published or under review, you should submit a cover letter stating where the paper is published/under review and describing clearly and in as much detail as possible where the similarities and differences are and how the current submission to IJES makes a different and distinct contribution to the field.

3.2. While duplicate publications and simultaneous submissions are not accepted by IJES, authors are also strongly encouraged not to submit more than one manuscript to IJES at a time but wait, instead, for the outcome of one reviewing process before another one can begin.

4. Authors give the copyright to the publisher upon acceptance, which will have the permanent right to electronically distribute their articles, but will retain copyright. Authors are also expected to take responsibility for obtaining permission to reproduce any illustrations, tables, etc. from other publishers and to properly acknowledge other authors’ works. Authors may republish their work (in print and/or electronic format) as long as they acknowledge IJES as the original publisher.

5. Authors should also explicitly tick in the Submission checking list that the opinions expressed in their articles do not necessarily coincide with those of the General Editor, who will not accept liability for the contents included in the articles.

6. The articles, whether empirical, theoretical or practical-critical, should address an important problem or issue in the field of English Studies (theory, research or pedagogy) and be between 6,000 and 8,000 words. This word limit should be strictly observed.

7. The articles should be grounded in appropriate theory/existing knowledge.

8. The articles should provide evidence of a competent and critical review of the relevant literature.

9. Theoretical papers should present clear, logical, well-supported claims and reasonable conclusions. Authors are strongly recommended to use sections irrespective of the type of article submitted.

10. Types of articles considered for publication:

10.1. Empirical articles, which should (i) be based on data which has been collected and analyzed in a rigorous and well-designed investigation; (ii) offer conclusions supported by the study’s findings and (iii) be structured in the conventional manner: Introduction; Method (in sufficient detail to allow replication); Results; Discussion (avoiding a recapitulation of points already made) and Conclusions (related solely to the paper).

10.2. Critical analysis of particular texts/issues, which should (i) show a firm command of both the relevant critical theory and apparatus/i being applied; (ii) reach interesting and insightful interpretative decisions concerning the text analysed and/or (iii) include interesting and insightful reflections concerning the theory and/or method of analysis adopted.

11. When necessary, authors should explicitly accept liability for the ethical aspects related to the subjects of their study.

12. The author’s writing style should be appropriate, academic and clear.

13. Authors are responsible for submitting their articles following these general guidelines as well as the style sheet guidelines described below in section II. Otherwise the articles will be immediately returned to their authors and will not be sent to the two blind reviewers until compliance with the style sheet guidelines is satisfactory.

14. The editors of IJES reserve the right to make editorial changes to manuscripts accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are substantive.

15. Post-publication changes involving content will be made only if there is a problem with comprehensibility. Such changes will be accompanied by a note of revision.

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Los nombres y datos asociados a este artículo sólo se utilizarán para fines de investigación y no se transferirán a terceros en virtud de lo establecido en la LOPD.