Expansión de la soja en México y exclusión productiva de los pequeños agricultores de la península de Yucatán
In the Yucatan peninsula there has been a recent process of expansion of soybean cultivation, on lands previously dedicated to maize and grasslands, as well as tropical forests. This article is part of the debate on the "access theory", setting out as objectives the description and analysis of the causes or factors that have motivated this expansion, as well as its impacts on the land market and income of producers. The effects on the environment (deforestation) and the economy of beekeepers are also reviewed. The investigation revealed how an elite of producers and agro-business have had the ability to gain, control and maintain the land resource, through various access mechanisms, while smallholders (legal owners) have become rentiers of their lands, beeing place in a situation of "productive exclusion".
Keywords: soybeans; productive exclusion; access theory; Yucatan Peninsula; Mexico.
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