The industrial explotation of the Salinas of San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia)


  • Gustavo Ballesteros Pelegrín Universidad de Murcia
  • Julio F. Fernández Ramos
Keywords: Salinas of San Pedro del Pinatar, poduction, market, employment, weaknesses, strengthes


The exploitation of the Salina of San Pedro del Pinatar has deeply changed throughout the history in the methods used in the processing and selling of salt, and in the company organization. The information given by interviews to workers, data and documents given by the company Salinera Española and the bibliography, allow us to describe the process of salt extraction, to classify the salt according to its uses and to characterize the stability reached in the production, the selling and the main markets. Also we can identify the weaknesses and the strengths that determine thapresent and future perspectives.


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How to Cite
Ballesteros Pelegrín, G., & Fernández Ramos, J. F. (2013). The industrial explotation of the Salinas of San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia). Geography Papers, (57-58), 55–68. Retrieved from