Infection related to Health Care in an adult Intensive Care Unit
The present study aims to characterize the cases of Infections related to health care Occurred in an adult ICU. A descriptive, exploratory, documental and quantitative tipe. The sample consisted of medical records and files Of infection control of the CCIH of all cases of infections occurred in the ICU of Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas in Manaus - Amazonas from January 2013 to December 2014. Seventy-five patients were selected, Being the majority belonging to the female sex (60%), With predominance of the elderly (36.5%). They were classified as surgical (45.3%) and had ICU stay of 16 or more days (42.7%). Regarding the profile of infections, there were predominant respiratory tract infections (46.2%) and blood flow (26.6%), calling attention to associated pneumonia with Mechanical Ventilation (35.2%). The study also showed that there is a predominance of clinical, laboratory and imaging diagnosis in the identification of IRAS, adding up to 62.4%, neglecting to perform cultures 37.5%. Among the identified microorganisms there is a predominance of gram-negative 28.1%. The highest occurrence of infection by invasive devices occurred in the use of the orotracheal tube 48%. There was a strong and significant correlation between the death outcome and the amount of infections present (p=0,02) and the number of pathogens isolated in each patient (p=0,03). The correct investigation of IRAS cases is essential, considering the different factors associated with its occurrence, evidencing the need for greater epidemiological surveillance of infections in the Intensive Care Unit.
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