Neonatal Abstience Syndrome: evolution in the last ten years
Introduction: Neonatal abstinence syndromes defined as a group of symptoms experienced by the newborn after the withdrawal of addictive drugs. Currently substance abuses one of the most important health problems in our society. Drug abuse by pregnant women is a relatively common condition and involves serious consequences for newborns.Aim: To know the state of the prevalence and incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), as reflected in the literature.
Methodology: It has been held a bibliographical search through the databases offered by the library of the University of Seville: IMEbiomedicine, PubMed, SCOPUS, CINAHL, CUIDEN and The Cochrane Library Plus.
Results: 627 articles have been found in total of which 62 articles seemed to be valid finally selecting 22 which have added 5 more articles, from a secondary search admitting a total of 27articles.
Conclusions: After the review it has been observed an increase in prevalence in recent years regarding drug use in women of child bearing age and pregnant women which has resulted in an increase of neonatal abstinence syndrome. So it would be recommendable conducting population studies to check with greater verisimilitude the incidence of SAN along with the prevention and detection of toxic substances in pregnancy which could be useful to reduce the numbers of cases.
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