Blood group, types of food and obesity: A literature review
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Objective: Find scientific studies demonstrating the relationship if the blood type is related to food preference and thus increased risk of developing OB.Methods: We conducted a systematic review of literature in the month of October 2012 in different databases, without language restriction, in articles that addressed the relationship with ABO blood group food preference and OB.
Results: There were 6 studies related to this. A correlational article and a longitudinal (follow-ups of 26 years) studies were find. Also 4 descriptive theories on the ABO blood group and food preference. Within the correlational articles and longitudinal relationship was found with the ABO blood group and the OB on the interactions of other environmental factors. The theoretical papers mention that people who eat foods compatible with your blood type predispose to developing OB.
Conclusions: We need more scientific studies proving whether or not related to the blood group and the OB.
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