Quality of service: user satisfaction from the perspective of nursing


  • Amanda Isabel Gallardo Ferrada "Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile"
  • Katiuska Reynaldos Grandón Facultad de Enfermería Universidad Andrés Bello
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.13.4.177951
Keywords: Administration, user satisfaction, service quality

Supporting Agencies

  • sin financiación


One of the important aspects that in many cases determine the competitiveness and permanence in the market of institutions is the quality of service. In addition, there is a need to understand how the user perceives and forms expectations. Among those that aspire to identify what it is that influences the quality of care are health institutions.  

Objective: Analyze studies performed in the health field with a focus on the perception and expectation of service.  

Design and method: Investigation of the following databases was performed for this review: PubMed, Trip Database, Cochrane, as well as Google Scholar and SciELO, in order to analyze studies related to the quality of service. The limits included: free access of complete texts, in Spanish and/or English, from the last 10 years. Seventeen articles were selected for review.

Results: All articles include the evaluation of perception and the quality of service. Fifteen of those articles refer to health services.  

Conclusions: The quality of service is perceived in different ways. There are multiple factors that determine the perception of the quality of service, one of which is the user’s state of health. Keywords: Administration, user satisfaction, quality of service.


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Author Biography

Amanda Isabel Gallardo Ferrada, "Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile"

Enfermera. Magíster en Enfermería Mención Gestión Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Cursando Magíster en Toxicología.
How to Cite
Gallardo Ferrada, A.I. and Reynaldos Grandón, K. 2014. Quality of service: user satisfaction from the perspective of nursing. Global Nursing. 13, 4 (Sep. 2014), 353–372. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.13.4.177951.