Adverse drug event reporting system: a university hospital experience


  • Ariel Castro Lara Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Julia Sotomayor Nieto Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Yasna Sepúlveda Vargas Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
  • Sandra Mena Velásquez Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile
Keywords: Medication Error, Adverse Drug Events, Reports

Supporting Agencies

  • Ninguna


Introduction: The medication error (ME) has an impact in the morbi-mortality of the patients, as this way also the economic consequences for the individual, the systems of health and the society. A way of identifying them is across the system of reports. The aim of this communication is to present the experience of use of reports in an teaching hospital.
Methodology: Descriptive Analysis of ME reports. There were in use as sources of information the system of census and the reports of the ME.
Results: The rate of ME’s reports was of 1.2x 1000 patients. The reports principally came from medical services (39 %) and 34% from Intensive Care Units 34 %. More frequent MM was in the administration (47 %) and dispensation (27 %). The notified ME 69 % came to the patient, some type of intervention being needed in 68 % of these cases. The gravity of ME was important in 47 % of the cases, being able to preventable 97 %.
Conclusions: ME is a present reality in our hospital, which it is possible to anticipate. The system of ME reports is a useful tool in the identification that causes root


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How to Cite
Castro Lara, A. et al. 2014. Adverse drug event reporting system: a university hospital experience. Global Nursing. 13, 1 (Jan. 2014), 202–226. DOI: