Adolescent mothers a challenge facing the factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding


  • Elvinia Pinilla Gómez Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Claudia Consuelo Domínguez Nariño Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Alexandra García Rueda Universidad Industrial de Santander
Keywords: breast feeding, factors, mothers, adolescents

Supporting Agencies

  • Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión UIS


Objective: To determine the factors that influences the practice of exclusive breastfeeding in adolescent mothers.
Methods: Cross-sectional study with 158 mothers lactating adolescents attending the services of primary care of Bucaramanga- Colombia. The instruments used to characterize adolescent mothers and to evaluate the effectiveness of family functionality the family APGAR. Data entered and validated in EpiInfo 6.04d and analyzed in Stata 10.1, to analyze continuous variables, we used measures of central tendency; categorical variables were expressed as proportions. Multivariate analysis described by prevalence ratio and confidence interval of 95%.
Results: mean age 17.9 years, 39.4% six months nursed and nursed 9.8% over 6 months and 89.2% had already had children. The reasons for not feeding her child with only breast milk are: 9.5% produce little milk, 12% child is still hungry, and 20.7% other causes. During lactation the 82.3% caresses her baby. People recommend breastfeeding are the doctor and nurse 84.3%, a relative 63.3% relative.
Conclusions: Accurate counseling and family support from the health institutions that will assure breastfeeding as a satisfying experience for both the teenager mother and the child.


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Author Biographies

Elvinia Pinilla Gómez, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Profesora Titular. Escuela de Enfermería. Directora Grupo de Investigación GRINFER

Claudia Consuelo Domínguez Nariño, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Profesora Escuela de Enfermería. Grupo de Investigación en Enfermería GRINFER

Alexandra García Rueda, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Profesora Escuela de Enfermería. Grupo de Investigación en Enfermería GRINFER
How to Cite
Pinilla Gómez, E. et al. 2014. Adolescent mothers a challenge facing the factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding. Global Nursing. 13, 1 (Jan. 2014), 59–82. DOI: