Nursing from the perspective of Decent Work


  • María Olga Quintana Zavala Universidad de Sonora
  • Sandra Valenzuela Suazo Universidad de Concepción
  • Tatiana Paravic Klijn Universidad de Concepción
Keywords: Nursing, Occupational Risks, Decent Work


Introduction: The International Labor Organization encourages improvement in the quality of life for workers, highlighting poor working conditions and promoting Decent Work for all.
Objective: To reflect on the implications of the work of nursing in relation to the concept of Decent Work.
Development: Decent Work responds to the increasing vulnerability of workers, mainly young people, women and the poor. Nursing as a profession is made up mostly of women, faces multiple occupational hazards, including psychosocial risk factors, biological, physical, chemical and ergonomic, which means that this health care profession has higher health risks, is not the best paid job, nor is well recognized socially around the world.
Conclusion: Decent Work involves competitive salaries, social security, fair globalization, education, gender equality, low risk, with labor rights and fairness. Nursing professionals, health institutions and governments should reconsider attending to the multiple risks that are faced in any hospital to make nursing work comply with all the features of Decent Work, promoting the reduction of occupational hazards and providing better salaries and working conditions in general to all nurses and improving the quality of their working life.


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Author Biographies

María Olga Quintana Zavala, Universidad de Sonora

Dra. © en Enfermería UdeC, Profesora Titular del  Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sonora. Becaria UNISON. Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Fono 66 22 59 21 65. email:

Sandra Valenzuela Suazo, Universidad de Concepción

Dra. en Enfermería, Profesora Titular, Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Medicina.  Dirección: Roosevelt esq. Janequeo s/n Concepción, Chile. Fono: (56) (41) 220 44 49 -  220 07065.

Tatiana Paravic Klijn, Universidad de Concepción

Dra. en Enfermería, Profesora Titular, Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Medicina.  Dirección: Roosevelt esq. Janequeo s/n Concepción, Chile. Fono: (56) (41) 220 44 49 -  220 07065
How to Cite
Quintana Zavala, M.O. et al. 2014. Nursing from the perspective of Decent Work. Global Nursing. 13, 1 (Jan. 2014), 302–317. DOI:
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