Social dependency in old age: poor training, pension and housing


  • Asunción Ors Montenegro Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Enfermería
  • Loreto Maciá Soler Escuela de Enfermería, Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: elderly, dependance


The present study is conducted in a geriatric institution in the province of Alicante (Spain) from in-depth interviews with 24 elderly people to analyze, among others, the causes that led him there. The information is processed using qualitative techniques and obtained the following results: except for two of them, they all are healthy and may have an independent life. Pensions are below 600 Euros, they do not have an own house and they have a lack of family support. Therefore, they cannot live outside the institution. Most respondents have been poor and remain like that. Poor and homeless people, who have been socially excluded from the culture, work, housing and at the end of their lives, even family. Elderly can be considered fragile from the social point of view, for its poor condition. We conclude that in this population poverty is the cause of institutionalization


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Author Biography

Loreto Maciá Soler, Escuela de Enfermería, Universidad de Alicante

Loreto Maciá es actualmente vicedecana de la facultad de Ciencias de la salud de la Universitat Jaume I. Dra. por la Universidad de Alicante, donde ha sido directora durante 9 años y subdirectora 3.

Es responsbale de los estudios Grado Master y Doctorado de Enfermería en la Universitat Jaume I.


How to Cite
Ors Montenegro, A. and Maciá Soler, L. 2013. Social dependency in old age: poor training, pension and housing. Global Nursing. 12, 4 (Oct. 2013), 147–163. DOI:
Docencia e Investigación