Prejudices of the Nurses towards the immigrant population: An outlook from the South of Spain


  • Fernando Jesús Plaza del Pino Complejo Hospitalario Torrecárdenas (Almería) Universidad de Almería.
Keywords: Attitude, Immigration, Nursing, Prejudices

Supporting Agencies

  • Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía


In the last decades Spain has turned into a receiver country  of immigrants.This increase entails a rise in the cultural diversity in the society which is reflected in the change of the cultural profile of the users of the health public system.

The aim of this study has been to approach the prejudices of the nurses towards the immigrant population.

Methodology: Transversal quantitative study. Participants: Nursing professionals from the three public hospitals of Almería. Data collection: Anonymous questionnaire.


Results: More than 68% of the sample thinks that “we take advantage of the immigrants in order to offer them the most precarious jobs”,  and they do not consider that there are some Spanish people unemployed because of the immigrants.Half of the sample agrees with the statement “the ethnic minorities constitute a source of social conflicts” and more than 80% relate immigration to delinquency.

Conclusions: The social prejudices mark mostly the Nurses opinions. It´s necessary to develop some training and sensitization programs aimed to these professionals as a key to achieve a change towards these negative opinions.


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Author Biography

Fernando Jesús Plaza del Pino, Complejo Hospitalario Torrecárdenas (Almería) Universidad de Almería.

Doctor por la Universidad de Almería, año 2008.

Enfermero de la UGC de Cardiología y Hemodinámica del Complejo Hospitalario Torrecárdenas de Almería.

Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Almería.

How to Cite
Plaza del Pino, F.J. 2012. Prejudices of the Nurses towards the immigrant population: An outlook from the South of Spain. Global Nursing. 11, 3 (Jul. 2012). DOI:
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