Strategies for involving patient and family in enhancing hospital patient safety goals: A scoping review


Keywords: Clinical Practice, Family Caregivers, Patient Engagement, Patient Involvement, Patient Safety

Supporting Agencies

  • Hasanuddin University


Objective: This scoping review aims to explore and map strategies for engaging patient and family in improving hospital patient safety goals and to identify supporting and inhibiting factors that influence the selected strategies.

Data Source: The scoping review of research and grey literature (2014-2024) was performed using Scoping Review Frameworks by Arkey and O’Malley. Research literature was gathered from nine databases and by manually searching relevant research topics. Inclusion criteria involved qualitative and quantitative primary data studies that focused on the efforts being carried out to improve patient and family involvement and overcome the barriers and challenges being encountered. The study protocol was registered with the Open Science Framework (

Result: Findings indicate that efforts that engaging patient and family in enhancing hospital patient safety goals including include using tools such as checklists, staff training, structured communication programs, and patient perspective surveys. Supporting factors are education and training, while inhibiting factors are low health literacy and financial constraints.

Conclusion: Efforts in improving patient and family involvement for patient safety in hospitals show progressive steps taken. Escalating patient and family engagement may require a multidimensional approach involving education, staff training, system policies, collaboration with communities - that has been rarely conducted-, and a hospital management system with adequate financial support and facilities. Further research is necessary to understand more in depth factors that influence patient and family involvement and the ways to overcome existing challenges.


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How to Cite
Handayani et al. 2025. Strategies for involving patient and family in enhancing hospital patient safety goals: A scoping review. Global Nursing. 24, 1 (Feb. 2025), 1–33. DOI: