Factors associated with the increase in sexually transmitted infections in men: an integrative review


  • Cristina Lao-López Fundación Althaia
  • Neus Garriga-Comas Department of Public Health, Mental Health and Maternal and Child Health Nursing. Universitat de Barcelona https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6743-8598
  • Josefina Goberna-Tricas Departamento Enfermería Salud Pública, Salud Mental y Maternoinfantil. Universidad de Barcelona (UB), Barcelona, España. 4 Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Xarxa asistencial y universitaria del Bages (Althaia), Manresa, Barcelona, España https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3531-9009
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.568951
Keywords: Associated factors; sexual conduct; sexual risk behavior; Sexually Transmitted Infections; men.


Objective: To analyse the scientific evidence regarding the factors associated with risk behavior in men in relation to the increase in sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Method: An integrative review based on a bibliographic search of the PubMed, WoS, CINHAL, and Cochrane databases.
Results/Discussion: 151 articles were identified applying the following selection criteria: a) use of English or Spanish, and b) publication between 2015 and 2021. 128 articles were discarded after reading the title and abstract, leaving a total of 23. In accordance with the adapted version of the Precede-Proceed Model, the following factors associated with the presence of STIs: predisposing factors: drug use, alcohol, multiple partners, STI diagnosis, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) administration, and sexual orientation; facilitating factors of risk behavior: unprotected sexual intercourse, needle exchange; and reinforcing factors/predictors of behavior change: early diagnosis, use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), educational interventions and health programs. All these factors should be considered in a socio-demographic and cultural context along with factors such as age, country of origin, migrant status, work or income level, and educational level.
Conclusion: The prevalence of STIs has decreased, but further improvements are necessary. Identification of all the factors associated with risk behavior and the application of the Precede-Proceed method can help to strengthen the impact of educational interventions designed by health professionals with regard to changing sexual behavior.


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Author Biographies

Neus Garriga-Comas, Department of Public Health, Mental Health and Maternal and Child Health Nursing. Universitat de Barcelona

Midwife head of Obstetric Unit  Althaia Foundation, Manresa.

Doctor in Nursing Sciences from the University of Barcelona.


Josefina Goberna-Tricas, Departamento Enfermería Salud Pública, Salud Mental y Maternoinfantil. Universidad de Barcelona (UB), Barcelona, España. 4 Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Xarxa asistencial y universitaria del Bages (Althaia), Manresa, Barcelona, España

Tenured Lecturer. PhD. 

Researcher at ADHUC. Theory ,Gender, Sexuality Research Center. Universitat de Barcelona


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How to Cite
Lao-López, C. et al. 2024. Factors associated with the increase in sexually transmitted infections in men: an integrative review. Global Nursing. 23, 2 (Apr. 2024), 534–562. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.568951.