Design and validation of educational material aimed at improving the knowledge and self-care of pregnant women in the face of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy


Keywords: Knowledge, Self-care, Health education, Validation study, Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced.


Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are one of the main causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Therefore, it is important to have validated materials that strengthen health education activities during the prenatal stage.
Objective: To design and validate an educational material to improve the knowledge and self-care behaviors of pregnant women in the face of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Materials and methods: Methodological study carried out in two phases: 1) design and 2) technical and population validation of the educational material. The construction incorporated the characteristics for the design of written health education materials. The criteria of attraction, understanding, acceptance, identification and induction to action were evaluated, with the participation of 5 experts and 20 pregnant women. A percentage equal to or greater than 70% in each criterion was considered as a point of approval. Results: The design of the educational booklet was based on the literature and the Theory of Planned Behavior. The technical and population validity showed a positive approval level with an average of 90.58% and 98.07% respectively. The qualitative recommendations provided improvements to the final version of the material in terms of the use of simpler language, more representative illustrations of the content, and the incorporation of reinforcement activities.
Conclusions: The booklet met the criteria of efficacy in its validation process; therefore, it can be used as a didactic resource in educational activities aimed at improving the knowledge and self-care behaviors of pregnant women in the face of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy


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How to Cite
Ulloa Sabogal, I.M. and Arias Rojas , E.M. 2023. Design and validation of educational material aimed at improving the knowledge and self-care of pregnant women in the face of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Global Nursing. 22, 3 (Jul. 2023), 277–308. DOI: