Neonatal mortality trends by region in Brazil, 2015-2019: an ecological study
Aim: To analyze the trend of neonatal mortality in Brazil from 2015 to 2019 and its preventable causes.
Methods: Ecological time-series study with data extracted from the Mortality Information System and Live Births Information System. Neonatal mortality rates were calculated overall and according to preventable causes. Trend analysis was performed by Prais-Winsten regression.
Results: The overall neonatal mortality rate reduced from 8.78 in 2015 to 8.60 in 2019. Disparities in neonatal mortality rates were observed among regions, with higher rates in the northern (10.3/1,000) and northeastern (9.9/1,000) regions. The causes preventable by adequate care for pregnancy, delivery and neonatal care prevailed, together totaling 97.8% of neonatal deaths in the period. There was a decreasing trend in preventable causes due to adequate care of the newborn (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: There was a decrease in the neonatal mortality rate in Brazil from 2015 to 2019.
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