Characteristics associated with depression, anxiety, and stress in university students


Keywords: Depression, anxiety, stress, Covid-19


Introduction: The present research focused on analyzing the characteristics associated with depression, anxiety and stress in university students in times of COVID-19 pandemic,
Method: The study had a non-experimental, correlational, prospective, cross-sectional design. The data collection technique was the survey, and its instrument was the DASS-21 questionnaire, which has a very good reliability of 0.91. It has been applied virtually to 385 Peruvian university students.
Results: The results show that 12% of the students surveyed presented high stress, 7% severe anxiety and 9% severe depression. Among the factors associated with stress were age, previous major, having a job, having a chronic disease. Anxiety had associated factors such as age, having a previous career, work status and diagnosis of a chronic disease. Depression was associated with factors such as age, having children, having a previous major, internet connection, having a job, having been diagnosed with a chronic disease, having a family member or a close person with COVID-19, and finally having someone close who had passed away.
Conclusion: Three logistic regression models were estimated with 77.3%, 68.2% and 63.3% certainty for stress, anxiety and depression, respectively.


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Author Biographies

Helen Catalina Rabanal León, UNIVERSIDAD CÉSAR VALLEJO

Dra. en Educación, Magíster en Psicología Educativa, Lic. en Administración, Lic. en Educación Secundaria en la Especialidad de Matemática, docente del Programa de Investigación formativa de la Universidad César Vallejo Trujillo.

Pablo Valentino Aguilar Chávez, Universidad César Vallejo

Mg. en Adminstración y Negocios, Lic. Estadístico, docente del Programa de Investigación formativa en la Universidad César Vallejo Chepén, Perú

Patricia del Valle Figueroa Rojas, Universidad César Vallejo

Dra. en Ciencias de la Educación, Ingeniera Electrónica. Programa de Investigación formativa en la Universidad César Vallejo Chimbote. 

Ana Vilma Peralta Iparraguirre, Universidad César Vallejo

Dra. en Educación, Docente en Programa Académico de medicina en la Universidad César Vallejo Trujillo

Julio Rodriguez-Azabache, Universidad César Vallejo

Li. en Estadística, Doctorando en Administración, Máster en Educación, Past Decano del Colegio de Estadísticos Región La Libertad, Docente en Educación Superior en el Programa de Investigación de la Universidad César Vallejo Trujillo.

Irma Luz Yupari-Azabache, Universidad César Vallejo

Dra. en Administración de la Educación, Lic. en Estadística. docente del Instituto de Investigación de la Universidad César Vallejo Trujillo


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How to Cite
Rabanal León, H.C. et al. 2023. Characteristics associated with depression, anxiety, and stress in university students. Global Nursing. 22, 3 (Jul. 2023), 152–178. DOI: