Correlation between the care dependence scale of ICU patients and their epidemiological profile


Keywords: Unidades de Cuidados críticos, Puntuaciones en la Disfunción de Órganos, Enfermería, perfil de salud, cuidados críticos


Introduction: The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is an environment where critical patients must be treated by a multidisciplinary team. What becomes extremely important to recognize the clinical epidemiological profile to evaluate individually.
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of patients admitted to an ICU of a University Hospital and its relationship with the Fugulin scale.
Method: This is a retrospective, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, which carried out an analysis of the epidemiological profile, outcomes and variables associated with morbidity and mortality, through reports of patients hospitalized from March to August 2020.
Results: It was observed that most of these hospitalized patients were male, referred by the Emergency Medical Care Service, were diagnosed more frequently: acute respiratory failure, sepsis and acute renal failure, with a prevalent outcome in deaths, having been observed correlation of the Fugulin scale with the mortality and severity scores of these patients.
Conclusion: In view of the complexity in the care of critically ill patients, the study demonstrates that the Fugulin scale can be an alternative in clinical practice, relating the need for care with severity and mortality to patients in an ICU.


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How to Cite
Hainosz, M.B. et al. 2023. Correlation between the care dependence scale of ICU patients and their epidemiological profile. Global Nursing. 22, 3 (Jul. 2023), 110–132. DOI: