Perception of patient safety in surgical room and operating ward compared to other wards in a second-level spanish hospital
Introduction: Patient safety is a basic pillar of healthcare. The surgical patient seems to have singularities compared to other hospitalized patients.
Objectives: Give the HSOPS questionnaire to the health personnel of various departments of our hospital and compare the responses of the areas of the surgical block (central operating room and surgical ward) against other health care areas evaluated, to obtain descriptive information on the safety environment in our hospital, the ability to detect problems and the notification of adverse events.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional observational study. Percentages of positive, intermediate, and negative responses to the questions and dimensions of the questionnaire were assessed.
Results: 194 questionnaire answers were collected (38.5% completion), of which 94 (48.5%) were nurses. “Staffing” and “Management Support for Patient Safety” were weaknesses in both blocks. "Perception of security" and "Teamwork between units" were weaknesses only in the surgical block. The "Expectations of safety actions by the head of service/ supervisor", without being a weakness, were lower in the surgical block. Reporting of adverse events by health personnel is very low.
Conclusions: We must continue working on evaluating the safety culture and reporting adverse events to improve care for our patients.
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