Cultural adaptation and validation of the Self-care Questionnaire in patients with left ventricular assist device
Introduction. In order to achieve an optimal life, patients with permanent implantable left ventricular assist devices face complex treatment regimens; they require acquiring knowledge and developing skills to guide their care. This makes it necessary for the nursing professional to have tools that allow them to identify the self-care level as a starting point to promote positive behaviors that allow adherence to their new lifestyle.
Objective. To determine the equivalent version of the self-care questionnaire for patients with permanent ventricular assistance in Colombia.
Material and methods. Methodological study. The process was carried out in six stages to guarantee the equivalence of the adapted instrument through a first translation, synthesis of translations, reverse translation, review by the expert committee, trial of the pre-final version and presentation of the instrument to the authors.
Results. Translation and back-translation of the instrument were performed. 77% of the experts mentioned that all the items were understandable and clear, but 33% reported that items 3,5,6,7,8,10 and 11 required form adjustments.
Conclusions. The cross-cultural adaptation of the self-care questionnaire in patients with permanent ventricular assistance for the Colombian environment was obtained, preserving the experiential, conceptual, idiomatic and semantic equivalence of the original instrument.
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