Validation: instrument on latent tuberculosis infection in healthcare professionals
Objective: To validate the content and appearance of an instrument on latent tuberculosis infection in healthcare professionals.
Methods: Methodological study developed in three stages, from May to November 2020. Content Validation strategies were used through the Delphi technique and Appearance Validation. The evaluation of the instrument was carried out by nine judges, nurses and doctors, with master's and doctoral degrees. To test the agreement of the judges, the content validity index and the inter-rater agreement index were used. For the pre-test, the positivity index was used.
Results: An instrument with 48 items was developed and, after evaluation by the experts, those with a content validity coefficient lower than 0.8 were modified. Some items were added and others deleted. At the end of two evaluation rounds, the instrument resulted in 49 items, with a content validity index = 0.9; Interrater Agreement = 1,000 and positivity index =100%. The semantic assessment of the instrument (pre-test), conducted with the target population, which consisted of Primary Care professionals (doctors, nurses, dentists, and nursing technicians), obtained a positivity rate of 100%, which indicated understanding of the instrument, with no need for further changes.
Conclusion: The instrument has content and appearance validity to assess what is proposed, considering that the reliability and agreement indices of evaluation reached values above 80%.
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