Diseases associated with loneliness in the elderly: a social challenge


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.514761
Keywords: Disease, Loneliness, Aged, Aged 80 and over


Objective: Identify pathologies in the elderly associated with loneliness.

Methodology: Secondary research, integrative review type, structured according to Crossetti’s consensus.

Results: After applying descriptors and search strategies, a total of 4,011 articles were identified, after applying filters, inclusion, and exclusion criteria, 27 articles were selected; from these articles 17 corresponded to WoS, 9 to BVS and 1 to PubMed.

Conclusions: The association between loneliness and cognitive impairment, decreased physical fitness, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular events is highlighted. It is necessary to establish public policies to prepare people for their future aging process.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Valencia-Contrera, Departamento de enfermería, Universidad de Antofagasta. Estudiante Doctorado en Ciencia de Enfermería, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chilke.

Enfermero, Magíster en Enfermería, estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencia de Enfermería, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile.

Olivia Sanhueza-Alvarado, Facultad de enfermería, Universidad de Concepción.

Doctora en Enfermería, Docente del Postgrado en Enfermería. Universidad de Concepción.


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How to Cite
Valencia-Contrera, M. and Sanhueza-Alvarado, O. 2023. Diseases associated with loneliness in the elderly: a social challenge. Global Nursing. 22, 1 (Jan. 2023), 642–668. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.514761.