
  • Maria Lucia Costa de Moura
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.4.1.514
Keywords: competencia, formación, cuidar, enseñanza y docencia, competência, formação, ensino e docência, competence, training, care, education, docencia


This work worried about the meeting of data that allowed to develop of the supposition for a statement, referring to the type of the male nurse formation offered by the e infirmary abilities, but in fact driven to an ability of private infirmary, propitiating a reflection for the possibility of superação of the difficulties that by chance are found. Moving forward in the understanding, I tried to capture in the speeches of the discentes and educational of that private ability, those dissatisfactions and complaints. An evaluation takes us to a constructive conception to establish roads they be she followed with the intuito of improving the services of health involved with the discussions of the pedagogic project and the marks theoretical norteadores of the process ensinar/aprender, and as form of answering the demands imposed by the labor market. The importance of the scientific investigation that we intended to execute, it is not drained in its relevance while knowledge area. The theme has articulation with the new alternatives for the male nurse formation, being founded in the theories and discussions and in the educational practices everybody committed with the social transformation. Being the customer the center of the activities, the male nurse formation with competence contemplates all the socioeconomic and cultural reality of the Brazilian population, in the universalidade beginnings and justness. I believe that the infirmary as social practice, has to participate in the social totality. A descriptive study was accomplished, with rising of opinions, that had as scenery a deprived Ability of the municipal district of Rio de Janeiro and as social actors, the educational ones, discentes and male nurses assistenciais of the fields of he/she practices.


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How to Cite
Costa de Moura, M.L. 2005. TEACHING OF COMPETENCE FOR COMPETENCE IN INFIRMARY. Global Nursing. 4, 1 (May 2005). DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.4.1.514.
Docencia y Formación