Clinical and sociodemographic profile of users with chronic diseases in primary health care
Objective: to describe the clinical and sociodemographic life and health profile of users with chronic non-communicable diseases in Primary Health Care.
Method: cross-sectional study with 80 users with chronic diseases in Rio Grande do Norte. A validated form was applied between January 2018 and March 2020. The results were analyzed with relative and absolute frequencies and a 95% confidence interval.
Results: female users (87.5%), elderly people (51.3%), brown people (53.8%), informal employment (53.75%), incomplete elementary school (62.6%), income greater than one minimum wage (51.3%) prevailed. They were totally dependent on health care from the Unified Health System (93.85%) and were monitored by the Family Health Strategy (91.2%). As for health, the chronic diseases Hypertension (82.5%) and Diabetes Mellitus (56.3%) stood out; however (68.8%) the participants had no history of hospitalization due to a complication of the chronic disease.
Conclusion: aging is an important factor for the presence of chronic diseases, including hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Users had unfavorable socioeconomic characteristics, such as low levels of income and education, which can compromise their quality of life and negatively influence the self-care actions. The total dependence on the public health system draws attention, this should direct health actions and strategies to combat and control chronic diseases.
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