Mental health and risk of recidivism of violence in women and elderly victims of violence


Keywords: Violence, violence against women, mental health, risk assessment


Objective: To determine the relationship between the risk (of continuity or aggravation) of violence and the mental health of women and older adult victims of intimate partner or family violence, respectively, whose cases were reported in a police station in Arequipa, Peru.
Methods: Descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 428 people. The risk (of continuity or aggravation) of violence was measured with specific "Risk Assessment Forms" for the study population, validated and used in Peru academically and legally. Mental health was assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire SRQ. SPSS-IBM 24 was used for the analysis, using frequency and contingency tables, with the chi-square statistical test.
Results: An association was found between sociodemographic characteristics and mental health with the level of risk of violence, with sex, age, educational level, place of birth, marital status, economic income, occupation and family burden being statistically significant. No significant association was found between the assessment of risk of violence and the presence of at least one psychiatric disorder.
Conclusion: It is concluded that in female victims of intimate partner violence and older adult victims of family violence, the level of risk of continuity or aggravation of violence was higher in females, younger, with less independence and economic capacity, with less education or whose marital status was that of cohabitant. Mental health was not different according to the different levels of risk of violence, although 50% had possible psychiatric disorders, predominantly anxiety/depression and psychotic disorders.


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Author Biographies

Brígida Aurora Manchego Carnero, DINA

Enfermera y psicóloga de profesión, docente principal dedicación exclusiva, segunda especialidad en ciencias administrativas, segunda especialidad en didáctica de la educación superior, magister en salud del adulto y adulto mayor, doctora en psicología. Estudios realizados en la UNSA y Universidad Mayor De San Marcos, pasantía en la Universidad Pontificia Católica Del Perú, registro DINA, con experiencia laboral hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Essalud Lima, Comunidad Hunter Essalud, hospital Fuerza Aérea De Perú Lima, serums minsa. Etc.

Intereses: proactiva, esfuerzo y dedicación al trabajo por el desarrollo de la profesión e integridad de la persona, empática y asertiva con principios y valores que guían su actuar y conducta.

Rocío Edith Manchego Carnero, DINA

Degree in Education with specialization in language, literature, philosophy and psychology. Master of Higher Education Doctor in Sciences of Education


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How to Cite
Manchego Carnero, B.A. et al. 2022. Mental health and risk of recidivism of violence in women and elderly victims of violence. Global Nursing. 21, 4 (Oct. 2022), 309–335. DOI: