Notification of incidents related to health care in hospitalized children
Objective: Analyzing the occurrence of incidents related to health care in hospitalized children.
Material and method: An exploratory, descriptive and quantitative research conducted from a database of reports of incidents and adverse events involving children conducted between 2016 and 2018 from a teaching hospital belonging to the Unified Health System (SUS), located in Salvador - Bahia. The data were analyzed in the STATA version 12 program.
Results: During the study period, 126 incidents were reported. Most of the children who suffered incidents were between 0 and 3 years old (57.14%); were male (58.73%); and belonged to the black race (87.92%). The incidents occurred mostly in the morning shift (29.37%), and the notifications were identified in 71.46% of the cases and were performed by nurses (88.10%). The most reported incidents were falls (29.37%); surgical (23.02%); phlebitis (9.52%); and skin lesions (8.73%). There was damage to patients in 39.68% of the cases, which was mild (80%).
Conclusions: The findings indicate the need to create methods for assessing risk factors that favor the occurrence of incidents such as falls and other situations that compromise the safety of hospitalized children, since these patients have peculiarities that need to be considered in health care.
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