Educational pills to improve nursing education on early programming


Keywords: Obesity, midwifes, nursing, education, intervention


Background: Childhood obesity has been declared the epidemic of the 21st century. Early programming is an essential element that should be used to prevent non-communicable diseases. Nurses are uniquely positioned to apply this concept, but it is not included in their education.
Objectives: The development, implementation and evaluation of the use of educational pills offered to nurse students to improve their knowledge of early programming.
Methodology: This is quasi-experimental research. It is a pre/post study with a longitudinal follow-up. For data collection, three self-developed questionnaires were designed to measure the level of knowledge, intention to act and satisfaction with the methodology. The level of knowledge and the intention to act were measured before and after the intervention to see the intervention's effect. Satisfaction with the methodology and resources used was measured after the intervention. The population included in this study is the first-year and second-year nursing students enrolled in two different subjects in the academic year 2019/2020. The population size is estimated to be 200 students. We have organised the process into three defined stages: the initial stage, elaboration stage and implementation stage.
Results: Significant differences have been observed in all the measured parameters.
Conclusions: The intervention has improved the knowledge of future nurses about early programming and has increased the intention of nurses to act. Students find this methodology suitable for their training.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Rodríguez, M. et al. 2022. Educational pills to improve nursing education on early programming. Global Nursing. 21, 3 (Jul. 2022), 344–375. DOI: