Predictors of Burnout Syndrome in university professors: An Exploratory factor analysis
Introduction: Because of a series of psychological stress factors recognized in the teaching trajectory of university health programs, faculty are prone to experience Burnout Syndrome.
Objective: To determine the predictors of burnout syndrome among medical school teachers at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia) and Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (Technological University of Peru).
Methods: A cross-sectional study was applied to 262 teachers sampled from two of the medical school teachers in the Metropolitan Lima Region, using a random sequence generator. Data were collected using a questionnaire with consent to assess burnout syndrome using the Maslach Burnout Scale Inventory (MBI-GS) and were processed in SPSS version 23 with a significant p-value of 95%. Exploratory Factor Analysis was used to identify the determinants of burnout syndrome.
Results: The mean Cronbach's alpha of 0.85 showed that the MBI-GS assessed the same underlying construct, the results showed a low prevalence of burnout (79.4%) in the surveyed teachers. In the dimensions, burnout (43.5%) and cynicism (60.3%) scale low, while professional efficacy is high (46.6%).
Conclusions: Burnout syndrome was significantly influenced by gender and age group in all dimensions assessed with higher prevalence in teachers older than 54 years and male. However, a minority proportion of 8% was observed in teachers under 36 years of age of both genders; this shows that measures should minimize the percentage growth based on years of teaching service.
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