Analysis of cases of sexual violence in school adolescents
Objective: Analyze cases of sexual violence among teenagers at school.
Methodology: The investigation originated from a macro-project, transversal, descriptive and quantitative, carried out in public schools in the city of Picos, Piauí, Brazil, with schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years. The collection of data takes place in 2018, through a self-completed questionnaire by the participants. From the sample of 1,051 adolescents, 38 questionnaires were evaluated who reported victimization for sexual violence at some point in their lives.
Results: In the analysis of these cases of sexual violence, it was noticed that they are mainly perpetrated by an ex-boyfriend (13.2%) or friend (10.5%), with more than a third of the episodes occurring in childhood (49.9%), some still persist to the present day (5.3%). As for the sociodemographic profile, there was a prevalence of females (81.6%), brown (42.1%), aged 10 to 12 years at the time of the episode, residents with father and mother (44.7%), Catholic (60.5%) and with economic weakness (23.7%). Regarding sexual and reproductive aspects, heterosexuality (86.8%), lack of a steady boyfriend (65.8%), had consented sexual intercourse (55.3%), and used condoms at the time (36 .8%). Also, in relation to the violence suffered, the adolescents reported the awakening of negative feelings, such as: sadness and fear (50%), shame (44.7%) and anger (42.1%) after the episode(s).
Conclusion: The theme is surrounded by cultural taboos and social prejudices. Therefore, it is expected that this study will contribute to the denunciation of cases, dissemination of knowledge and breaking these sociocultural precepts in civil society and the scientific community.
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