Assessment of the quality of natural childbirth care in hospital setting through the Bologna index


Keywords: Health assessment, Nursing, Health quality indicators, Assessment methods, Humanized birth


Objective: To assess the quality of care during natural childbirth in hospital setting through the Bologna Index.
Method: This is an observational and cross-sectional study, with a quantitative design, performed in a reference service in obstetric care, located in the Northeast region/Brazil. A form based on the quality indicators of the Bologna Index and guidelines for natural childbirth and puerperal care was used. Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. When analyzing the Bologna Index, 1 point was assigned to each variable met; and, after assessing each item, care was classified based on the following sum: “0” for lower quality, “1 to 4” for intermediate quality and “5” for higher quality of care.
Results: It was found an average of 3.44 in the Bologna Index, corresponding to intermediate quality care. Among the five variables that make up the Bologna Index, the highest percentages were related to the use of partograph (85.4%), presence of a caregiver at the time of childbirth (94.5%) and skin-to-skin contact between mother and child in the first hour of life (98.1%). Nevertheless, there was a reduced percentage regarding the use of non-supine positions (9.1%) and absence of stimuli in the first clinical period of childbirth (56.3%).
Conclusion: there has been progress in the quality of childbirth care in hospital setting, but it is necessary to provide information for the empowerment of women, greater adherence of professionals to good obstetric practices and insertion of nurses in the usual-risk obstetric care.


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How to Cite
Maria Clara et al. 2022. Assessment of the quality of natural childbirth care in hospital setting through the Bologna index. Global Nursing. 21, 2 (Apr. 2022), 356–397. DOI: