Evaluation of a peripheral vein for intravenous chemotherapy: a prospective observational study
This study aimed to assess over time alterations of a peripheral vein used for chemotherapy infusion in patients with breast cancer. It is a prospective observational study which included patients who were scheduled to receive peripheral infusion of chemotherapy. These patients had the first peripheral vein used for infusion evaluated in five moments: before the venipuncture, after device removal at the end of the first chemotherapy infusion, and on days 21, 42, and 63 after the first infusion. The primary outcome was the caliber of the vein, measured in millimeters with a Veinlite LEDX® transilluminator and a tape measure. Fifty-nine women receiving doxorubicin and docetaxel for the first time were enrolled to the study. The caliber size varied from 2 to 4 millimeters at baseline, and decreased overtime. During the follow-up period, peripheral veins of 35 women (59.3%) were measured at 0 mm at day 63. The remaining 24 women (40.7%) had some recovery, but for 15 of them (62.5%) the vein became a palpable cord. The feasibility of using a peripheral vein to perform chemotherapy decreased as the treatment progresses.
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