The meaning of life as a mediator between self-esteem and Internet addiction in adolescents
variables because its mediating role should be explored.
Objective: To analyze the relationship between Internet addiction and self-esteem in Mexican adolescents.
Methodology: A descriptive and correlational study was carried out with a sample of 238 students selected by non-probability convenience sampling. A personal data card, the Rossemberg self-esteem scale, the Internet addiction test and the meaning of life test were used. The study adhered to the provisions of the Regulations of the General Health Law on Research for Health in Human Beings in Mexico and the declaration of Helsinki.
Results: Internet addiction was negatively and significantly related to the meaning of life (rs = -.359, p ≤.001) and with self-esteem (rs = -.426, p ≤ .001). The meaning of life showed a mediating effect between self-esteem and Internet addiction (B = -.188, SE = .066, 95% CI [-.320, -.056]). Sex had a moderating effect between self-esteem and Internet addiction, being significant in both sexes.
Conclusion: Self-esteem and meaning of life can predict a decrease in Internet addiction. Likewise, the role of gender can present variations with respect to points of view and way of thinking and moderate the relationship between self-esteem and Internet addiction.
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