Design and validation of an educational video for HPV prevention


Keywords: Estudio de Validación; Recursos Audiovisuales; Infecciones por Papillomavirus


Objective: To design and validate an educational video for the prevention of HPV in young people, using the information, motivation and behavioral skills model.
Methodology: The design of the present study consisted of six stages: 1.- descriptive literature review; 2.- analysis of interviews with the target population; 3.- placing the information obtained (literature and interviews) within the components of the information - motivation - behavioral skills model (IMB); 4.- script development, 5.- expert validation process, and 6.- pilot test.
Results: Based on the previous steps, the video titled: “7 things you should know about HPV!” was designed, where two young people (a man and a woman) appear and answer, in a clear and simple way, seven questions about HPV, ending with a series of recommendations to prevent infection and promote responsible sexuality. Validation was carried out using a focus group of 10 young people gathered in an online platform and the content validity index (CVI), obtaining a value of .92, which is considered good and adequate to understand the basic aspects of HPV.
Conclusions: The design and validation of a video for the prevention of HPV is a hermeneutical and systematic methodological process that promotes eclectic, heuristic, and innovative thinking for prevention and promotion of responsible sexuality in the young population.


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How to Cite
Baez, F.J. et al. 2021. Design and validation of an educational video for HPV prevention . Global Nursing. 20, 3 (Jul. 2021), 389–411. DOI: