Reliability of the patient safety instrument in drug administration in pediatrics - Spanish version


Keywords: Patient Safety; Drug Utilization; Pediatric Nursing; Psychometrics; Reproducibility of Results; Pediatrics


Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties in terms of reliability of the instrument Patient Safety in the Administration of Medicines in Pediatrics, Spanish version.
Method: Methodological study of evaluation of the psychometric properties carried out with 25 nurses from the pediatric units of a Peruvian hospital. For the evaluation of homogeneity (Cronbach's alpha), the nurses completed the instrument for Patient Safety in the Administration of Medications in Pediatrics Spanish version, composed of nine domains and 26 items; and for stability (Wilcoxon test-retest), they autocompleted the instrument again 30 days after the first collection, for comparison of both measurements.
Results: In reliability, Cronbach's alpha varied from 0.792 to 0.821, considered an acceptable parameter, presenting high internal consistency, maintaining the 26 items, in the final version. In the stability of the instrument, the domains presented, in the test, a mean of 68.0 + 25.5 to 99.5 + 2.5; and in the retest 86.0 + 14.8 I tied 96 + 11.8. Six domains were found without significant difference (p> 0.05) between test and retest.
Conclusion: The instrument presented psychometric properties that prove its reliability, providing subsidies for safer nursing practice and allowing standardization of care in the administration of medications.


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How to Cite
Saldarriaga Sandoval, L.J. et al. 2021. Reliability of the patient safety instrument in drug administration in pediatrics - Spanish version. Global Nursing. 20, 3 (Jul. 2021), 330–361. DOI: