Clinical-epidemiological study of TB-HIV coinfection in priority municipality: 10 years analysis
Objective: To know the clinical and epidemiological profile of TB / HIV in a priority municipality in Ceará.
Method: Descriptive, epidemiological study, carried out through data collection. Collection performed in October 2019 for the years 2009 to 2019. The variables age group, sex, education, race, clinical form, case closure, antiretroviral therapy were used. The data were taken from SINAN (Information System for Notifiable Diseases), then tabulation was performed in the Tabwin software and later the records were transported to Excel.
Results: 71 cases of TB-HIV co-infection were registered, which corresponds to 4.28% of the cases of tuberculosis in the municipality. From the analysis of the database about notified cases, in 2014 the largest proportion of cases (6.72%) was identified, followed by 2013 (6.43%). It is noteworthy that as of 2017, there is a decline in cases in the municipality.
Conclusion: The results obtained indicated that, in the investigated period, 4.3% of individuals with TB had coinfection with HIV, which shows its epidemiological relevance as a comorbidity with a great impact on public health.
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