Internal consistency and validity of the instrument Attachment between parents and newborn children

Validity and internal consistency of the instrument: Link between parents and newborn children


  • Alix Nathalya Vargas Vasquez Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
  • Myriam Patricia Pardo Torres Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Affective attachment, validity, reliability, psychometry


Objective: To determine the validity and internal consistency of the instrument Attachment between parents and newborn children, spanish version as a result from the transcultural adaptation of the Maternal Attachment Inventory (MAI) by Mary Muller.
Materials and method: Methodological – psychometric descriptive study, whose facial and content validity was achieved with the participation of a panel of experts and 385 potential parents with low level of schooling. For the validity of construct and internal consistency the sample was 352 parents of full-term newborns.
Results: Facial validity for the general population showed a global and item understanding of more than 90%, and a higher acceptability rate in the three categories valued; likewise, the Kapa and Fleiss index showed inter-concordance for each of the items above 0.69. The validity of global content has a strong pertinence and relevance with a Kapa and Fleiss index of 0.71 and 0.77 respectively. In the validity of the construct, the exploratory factor analysis yielded four factors with a total variance explained by the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Index (KMO) of 73%, and the internal consistency by Cronbach's Alpha was 0.7 for the total of the scale.
Conclusions: The Attachment between parents and newborn children instrument is valid and reliable to measure the affective attachment in the Colombian context whose use favors the practice of evidence-based nursing in diverse contexts such as Neonatal Care Units and in ambulatory practice.


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How to Cite
Vargas Vasquez, A.N. and Pardo Torres, M.P. 2020. Internal consistency and validity of the instrument Attachment between parents and newborn children: Validity and internal consistency of the instrument: Link between parents and newborn children. Global Nursing. 19, 3 (Jun. 2020), 255–285. DOI: