Burnout syndrome in nursing personnel working in the critical care and hospitalization units
Introduction: The objective of the study was to identify the prevalence of the Burnout Syndrome and its dimensions in the nursing personnel working in the critical care and hospitalization units.
Methodology: A descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study was performed in 90 nurses. The Maslach Burnout Inventory for health personnel was used. An exploratory, descriptive, and inferential analysis was carried out; the Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests statistics were used.
Results: A medium level regarding the burnout syndrome, 82.2%, was found; emotional exhaustion decreased by 62.2%; low level of depersonalization, 57.8%, and low level of lack of personal accomplishment, 40%. There was a statistically significant difference between burnout syndrome and work shift, double work shift per month, vacation periods per year, and workload; between emotional exhaustion and type of service, two-week income, double work shift, vacation periods, type of procurement, and workload; between depersonalization and workload; and between lack of personal accomplishment and type of service, work shift, two-week income, rest period during the shift, vacation periods per year, and type of procurement.
Conclusions: A higher percentage of nursing personnel had a mild burnout syndrome. No statistically significant difference between burnout syndrome and its dimensions and the sociological characteristics of the nursing personnel was found. Evidence that job characteristics are those that show more influence in the development of the burnout syndrome was found.
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