Burnout syndrome in the Health System: The case of social health workers
Objective: The general goal of this research is to measure the prevalence of the burnout syndrome in the professional group of social health workers who perform their work in the diverse services and centers of the Public Health Service of Galicia (Spain).
Method: A quantitative-analytical and cross-sectional design was proposed, using as the main instrument the Maslach Burnout Inventory, Human Services Survey version. This inventory measures three dimensions related to burnout: Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Fulfillment. Data collection was carried out through a survey among the social workers registered in the Official Association of Social Work of Galicia.
Results: 86.2% of the population under study are women and 13.8% are men; their ages range between 23 and 63 years. The study prevalence data yields high scores, especially in the Emotional Exhaustion dimension, where more than half of the population under study obtained a high score.
Conclusion: Like other professional groups that perform their work in the health system, as is the case of Nursing and Medicine, social health workers present high rates of burnout, with Emotional Exhaustion being the most affected dimension.
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