Sexual practices and attitudes of university students towards prevention of sexually transmitted infections
Objective: To analyze the sexual practices and the behavior of university students regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study conducted at a private university in Rio de Janeiro. A total of 768 students, aged 18 to 29 years, and regularly enrolled in the institution participated in the study.
Results: University students were mostly single (58.72%), heterosexual (85.80%), sexually active (85.16%), had initiated sexual life in the age group of 12-17 years (76.9%), reported having a steady partnership (77.83%), did not use condoms (54.62%), reported multiplicity of sexual partners (50.31%), and did not use condoms in all sexual intercourses (62.84%). The students reported using alcohol (66.41%), although sporadically (50.39%), but they had not used before the last sexual intercourse (69.42%). Regarding health care, 57.81% sought care in the last 12 months, and the occurrence of sexually transmitted infections was reported by 4.82% of them.
Conclusion: The adoption of risky behaviors by young people makes them vulnerable to STIs. Health education actions and encouragement of self-care are relevant to reduce the sexual health problems of this population contingent
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