Analysis of the Risk of Suffering Eating Disorders in young student university of Extremadura (Spain)


  • Ana Benitez UEx
  • Susana Sánchez UEx
  • María Luisa Bermejo UEx
  • Lourdes Franco-Reynolds UEx
  • María Angustias García-Herraiz SES
  • Javier Cubero UEx
Keywords: Eating disorders, body dissatisfaction, university population.


Eating disorders (ED), anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder are disorders of great concern in western world countries. Their rising tendencies have led researchers to try to explain the factors involved, their causes, and their effects, as a way of contributing to the efforts to stop the growing trends. Our research project focuses on the study of the risk of suffering ED amongst a sample of 600 students from the University of Extremadura (Spain). Said students are enrolled in twelve of the degrees offered by the University. The assessment tools used for the purposes of this research are the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 RF (EDI-3 RF) and the Spanish questionnaire, IMAGEN (Evaluation of Dissatisfaction with Body Image). The most significant results show the existence of a high percentage of students at risk of suffering ED. Young female students evidence higher rates of body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness than their male classmates who, conversely, demonstrate more characteristics of bulimia. Those studying education present higher rates of risk factors for suffering ED, such as the drive for thinness and their own body dissatisfaction, in the opposite situation are the health degrees in particular the nursing students, as a result of a greater bio health knowledge caused.


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How to Cite
Benitez, A. et al. 2019. Analysis of the Risk of Suffering Eating Disorders in young student university of Extremadura (Spain). Global Nursing. 18, 2 (Feb. 2019), 124–143. DOI: