Emotional intelligence, resilience and self-esteem in disabled and non-disabled people


  • Magdalena Gómez-Díaz
  • María Jiménez-García
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.17.2.291381
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, resilience, self-esteem, physical disability

Supporting Agencies

  • Centro de Atención a Personas con Discapacidad Física de Pozoblanco (Córdoba)


Introduction: Emotional intelligence, resilience and self-esteem are concepts related to personal development. People who have physical disabilities, the perception of the different situations that have to face may influence emotions and behavior.
Objective: Analyze the differences or similarities between people with disabilities and without disabilities in the field of emotional intelligence, resilience and self-esteem.
Methodology: Type descriptive, transversal and prospective, quantitative study using the scales of the emotional intelligence TMMS-24, the scale of the Resilience CD-RISC10 and the scale of the Rosenberg self-esteem, with a total of 100 participants.
Results: Persons with physical disabilities present mean statistically higher on emotional intelligence and resilience, although regarding self-esteem people without disabilities have an upper mean.
Discussion: Different authors have shown that emotions play a fundamental role in the well-being of individuals. In the case of diseases that involve physical disability, affect different aspects of the life of people, therefore even good emotional management is necessary most to avoid that the person may suffer greater consequences physical and/or emotional.
Findings: Persons with physical disability have adequate levels of emotional intelligence in its different dimensions, developing coping strategies that enable them to cope with such difficulties. The self-esteem of people with physical disabilities is weakened by the low perception of independent control.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Díaz, M. and Jiménez-García, M. 2018. Emotional intelligence, resilience and self-esteem in disabled and non-disabled people. Global Nursing. 17, 2 (Mar. 2018), 263–283. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.17.2.291381.