Conjugal coexistence with an ostomized partner and its social and affective implications: a comparative case control study


  • Ana Lucia Silva Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Ivone Kamada Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde Departamento de Enfermagem
  • João Batista Sousa Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Cirurgia
  • André Luis Vianna Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Cirurgia
  • Paulo Gonçalves Oliveira Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Cirurgia
Keywords: spouses, ostomy, social perception, comparative study


The evaluation of the ostomy problem and its social and emotional implications on the conjugal life with a partner with colostomy is the starting point of this study. The condition of a person with a permanent ostomy can influence social and daily activities with their spouses.
Objective: To analyze the social and affective aspects of daily coexistence of the spouse and his partner with a definite intestinal ostomy.
 Method: Comparative study of case control type of quantitative nature, conducted with spouses of ostomized patients paired to the non ostomized in the Federal District, Brazil.  The study included 108 spouses of whom 36 spouses of the ostomized called the Case Group and 72 of the non ostomized entitled Control Group. The data was collected from October 2011 to June 2012.
Results: The results show that the case group when compared to the control group presented a lower frequency to restaurants, collective events and participates less in leisure activities. In regard to the habits of practicing physical activities, the perception concerning stability in marital coexistence and the evaluation of affective relation, similar rates were observed in both groups. Conclusion: The spouse and his ostomized partner suffered from changes in daily conviviality and the affective bonds of the couple remained unchanged.


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Author Biographies

Ana Lucia Silva, Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde Departamento de Enfermagem

Enfermeira, Estomaterapeuta, Professora no Departamento de Enfermagem da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde

Ivone Kamada, Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde Departamento de Enfermagem

Enfermeira, Professora Associado do Departamento de Enfermagem da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde - Universidade de Brasília

João Batista Sousa, Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Cirurgia

Médico, Professor Associado do Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina - Universidade de Brasília

André Luis Vianna, Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Cirurgia

Médico, Professor Associado do Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina - Universidade de Brasília

Paulo Gonçalves Oliveira, Universidade de Brasília - Brasil Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Cirurgia

Médico, Professor Associado do Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina - Universidade de Brasília


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How to Cite
Silva, A.L. et al. 2018. Conjugal coexistence with an ostomized partner and its social and affective implications: a comparative case control study. Global Nursing. 17, 2 (Mar. 2018), 224–262. DOI: